Yes!I need that,I realy need the power of incentive in my live.

I feel my live is very boring.I always stay at home since these months in Taipei,why?I loss the power,I feel lazy and no project to administer.I loss the way except for study.Today,Cookie tell me about his party of elementary school.They have't contact for a very long time,but since that party,they become active to contact.They feel very well,they will find the friendship again.I think I need that feeling.You have to create opportunity by yourself,I know that principle.My heart is lucked by myself,the key is in my mind.

Don't stay any blank in my time,I have said again.What are constructive things for me?Just to do now! I don't hope the time is wasting in blank live.I am thinking how to use these holidays.

Type this article in English,why? Becuse my English is very poor,just want to practice that and just boring for fun.So there are many mistake of grammar in this article,If you find that,tell me please.Thanks a lot!

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